As you enter the adventure termal bath Naturno, the first thing you notice is the large glass roof and the great view.

From the pool you can enjoy a fantastic view of the densely wooded Nörderberg mountain.

The sun heats up and illuminates the indoor pool in a natural way, so you almost feel like you’re swimming in the open.

Facilities of the indoor swimming area

From the 51-metre long water slide you can hear cheerful cheering, and in the fast-flowing current canal there is fun and hustle and bustle. But first of all into the 31 degree warm water of the adventure pool, and then up onto the bubble or massage bed. And finally, some bubbling in the 36 degree whirlpool or in the saltwater pool. The little ones have fun in the children's pool and in the children's play area. The indoor pool is also open in the summer months, so swimming fun is guaranteed in all weather and at all times of the year.
NEW: children pool
As part of the renovation work in autumn 2024, we were able to create an indoor baby pool for our youngest guests.
We are very happy about this additional offer in our adventure thermal bath Naturns.
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Erlebnistherme Naturns Erlebnistherme Naturns Yesterday
Erlebnistherme Naturns

Jetzt mal ehrlich: Wer traut sich nach einem ausgiebigen Saunabesuch zum abkühlen in unser Thermal-Kältebecken? 🥶
Siamo onesti: chi ha il coraggio di rinfrescarsi nella nostra vasca termale fredda dopo una lunga sessione di sauna? 🥶

#erlebnisthermenaturns #termeavventuranaturno #sauna #thermalkältebecken

Erlebnistherme Naturns Erlebnistherme Naturns 5 days ago
Erlebnistherme Naturns

Habt ihr bei eurem letzten Besuch in der Erlebnistherme Naturns ein tolles Erinnerungsfoto gemacht?
Zeigt es uns gerne in den Kommentaren 📸💙💦
Avete scattato una bella foto di ricordo durante la vostra ultima visita alla Termeavventura Naturno?
Fatecela vedere nei commenti 📸 💙💦

#erlebnistherme #termeavventura #erinnerungsfoto

Erlebnistherme Naturns Erlebnistherme Naturns 12 days ago
Erlebnistherme Naturns

Unsere Erlebnistherme ist und bleibt familienfreundlich 👨‍👩‍👧👶💦
💙 zahlreiche Wasserattraktionen
💙 NEU Kinder- & Babybecken im Innenbereich
💙 NEU Wickeltisch im Damen UND Herren Bad
💙 ermäßigte Eintritte für Familien
💙 NEU bequeme Liegebereiche
💙 asiatisches Restaurant (Mittags und Abends warme Küche, ganztags kleine Snacks)
La nostra Termeavventura è e rimane adatta alle famiglie 👨‍👩‍👧👶💦
💙 numerose attrazioni acquatiche
💙 NUOVA piscina per bambini e neonati nell'area interna
💙 NUOVO fasciatoio nel bagno per donne E uomini
💙 ingresso ridotto per famiglie
💙 NUOVE comode aree relax
💙 ristorante asiatico con piccoli snack (pasti caldi a pranzo e la sera, piccoli snack tutto il giorno)

#erlebnistherme #erlebnisthermnaturns #termeavventura #termeavventuranaturno #familie #famiglia Raiffeisenkasse Untervinschgau

Erlebnistherme Naturns Erlebnistherme Naturns 13 days ago
Erlebnistherme Naturns

Wer hat's schon gelesen? Seite 40-43 📰
Der Vinschger SPEZIAL: Erlebnistherme Naturns erfolgreich umgebaut 💪🏗☺️

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