Unsere Liebe Frau auf dem Bühel (Our Lady on the Hill)

Our Lady on the Hill

The hidden marble menhir

Unsere Liebe Frau auf dem Bichl (Our Lady on the Hill) – also known as Bichlkirche Church – is the oldest church in Laces, situated on a small plateau. One of the most unusual sacred structures in Vinschgau valley, it features a harmonious blend of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque elements.
Unsere Liebe Frau auf dem Bühel (Our Lady on the Hill)
Unsere Liebe Frau auf dem Bühel (Our Lady on the Hill)
The exposed masonry serves as a typical aspect of the Romanesque construction. An inscription states that the nave was reconstructed in 1450, while the side chapel including a cupola was added in the late 17th century and richly decorated with paintings.

Restoration work performed in 1992 led to the discovery of a significant artefact from the Chalcolithic period. A 5,000-year-old statue menhir made from Lasa marble was found hidden beneath the Baroque panelling of the Gothic altar – having been used as a support surface. The uncovering of this stele on the hill indicates that this was presumably once a Neolithic cult site. Originating from Valcamonica in Lombardy, the “Lasa menhir” is now on display in the neighbouring St. Nikolaus Church.
Opening hours: April 1 - October 31
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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