Merano in all seasons
Merano as an all-year-round destination

Merano in all seasons

Merano as an all-year-round destination

Besides its wide choice of annual and new events as well as its seasonal activities, the spa town attracts outdoor types as well as those in pursuit of leisure.

In spring the spectacle of the apple orchards and garden parks bursting with blossoms is nothing short of bedazzling. With the arrival of warmer weather, the surrounding summits are a haven for hikers and mountain bikers. The array of open-air arts and culture events in Merano/Meran serve to attract more visitors throughout the summer. The autumn Merano Grape Festival and Törggelen harvest festivities are a time of conviviality and epicurean celebration. With the arrival of colder weather, the Merano 2000 skiing and hiking area is transformed into a winter sports paradise. In Advent, the Merano Christmas Market comes to life in an explosion of colours and delectable flavours. With so many attractions, Merano offers visitors a wide range of cultural and tourism activities in a cosmopolitan yet traditional setting. More on the seasonal events and activities below.