Since 1987, the cloister of the former Carthusian monastery of Allerengelberg in Certosa has been an exhibition venue every summer where one can experience the examination of art in its most diverse forms of expression. After a forced hiatus in 2020, the organizer the Senales Cultural Association changes pace in the summer of 2021: Art in the Charterhouse becomes a biennial. For 2023, artists Carmen Müller and Manfred Alois Mayr, under the curatorship of Luciano Fasciati, have been invited to perform there. The next art exhibition is planned for 2025.


16th of July - 20th of August 2023

The title of the exhibition should/could raise questions and curiosity. The title may refer to the gardens and the fiery red of the 1924 village fire, which the two artists refer to. The use of natural light projections may also be related. In addition, the fiery red carnation of Val Senales is taken up. The carnation was already cultivated in monastery gardens as a medicinal plant.

For the exhibition, Manfred Alois Mayr will focus on the cloister of the former monastery complex with a natural light installation. The artistic concept is based on the existing spatial situation of the Carthusian cloister and relates directly to the specific space, place and its history.
Carmen Müller will present an installation in the rooms of one of the former cells of the monastery. The artistic documentation in the Val Senales Gardens will take the form of texts, drawings, paintings, textiles, photographs and found objects. She will use furniture from the rural world (from the storage of the Val Senales Cultural Association) for the presentation.