Les manifestations en Sudtirol
Le calendrier des manifestations pour un voyage dans la région de Merano en Sudtirol
Les manifestations en Sudtirol

Les manifestations en Sudtirol

Le calendrier des manifestations pour un voyage dans la région de Merano en Sudtirol

La région de Merano/Meran propose un programme riche en évènements tout au long de l’année et pour chaque saison.

Cette page donne un aperçu de tous les évènements et manifestations qui ont lieu dans la région de Merano. Il est possible de faire une recherche ciblée selon les évènements, les thèmes ou encore les villages.
Carriage afternoon
mardi 11 mars
St. Kathrein, Hafling
14:00 - 18:00
Carriage afternoon
Explore the area in a very special way: on a carriage ride with Haflinger horses. Twice a week, Sonja from the Sulfner riding stable harnesses her good-natured blondes and offers an animal and ...
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Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
mardi 11 mars
20:00 - 22:00
Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. ...
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Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
mardi 11 mars
20:30 - 22:30
Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
In Italian. Production CMC/Nidodiragno, Cardellino srl, Teatro Stabile di Verona in collaboration with Festival Teatrale i Borgio Verezzi. A comedy, free and provocative, that investigates with ...
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Evening with AmUm
mercredi 12 mars
18:00 - 20:00
Evening with AmUm
Evening meeting with members, associates and sympathisers. Annual members' meeting with presentation of activities in 2024 and financial overview. Election of the new board of directors. Presentation ...
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Movie in German language: Besuch im Bubenland
mercredi 12 mars
20:30 - 22:00
Movie in German language: Besuch im Bubenland
In ‘Besuch im Bubenland’, filmmaker Katrin Schlösser wants to find out how people think and act, what drives them and also how she herself approaches men and what expectations she places on them. In ...
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Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Eva Maria Marold & Band (A)
jeudi 13 mars
20:00 - 22:00
Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Eva Maria Marold & Band (A)
In german language. The title says it all: inconsistent, because Eva Maria Marold takes us on a journey through all eras and genres of the music world with Andi Pilhar (keyboard) and Goran Mikulec ...
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Snowshoe Adventure at Hinterpasseier/Alta Val Passiria
vendredi 14 mars
Hinterpasseier/Alta Val Passiria
09:00 - 15:00
Snowshoe Adventure at Hinterpasseier/Alta Val Passiria
Immerse yourself in a enchanting winter landscape and discover untouched nature in an entirely new way. Our guided snowshoe hikes provide you with the perfect opportunity to savor the tranquility of ...
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In Italian: From Emmeline Pankhurst to Suffrage in Italy
vendredi 14 mars
19:00 - 21:00
In Italian: From Emmeline Pankhurst to Suffrage in Italy
A tribute to imprint in the consciousness and memory the knowledge that the rights women have today are the fruit of the struggles of women in the past. Stories of special women. Stories of ordinary ...
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