Outdoor swimming pool Partschins

Whether it's for relaxation or staying fit, for playing or having fun, enjoy the outdoor pool with a 33-meter sports lane in our Partschins/Parcines holiday region, complete with a large quiet lawn and a separate small children's area.

Description to arrive at destination

Vinschgau/Val Venosta (SS 38 direction Meran/Merano) – Partschins/Parcines.

Bozen/Bolzano MEBO-Highway (direction Meran/Merano) – State Street SS38 (direction Reschenpass/ Passo Resia) – Partschins/Parcines.

From the bus station 200 m along the Gaudententurmstraße/Via Gaudententurm, after the Cafè Taufenbrunn at right along the Zehentstraße/Via Zehent.

Public transport
Timetable search: https://www.suedtirolmobil.info/en/
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