

Snowy woods and smiling children will welcome you, up on the sun-kissed Proves/Proveis mountain plateau in Alta Val di Non/Deutschnonsberg.

General description

Near the picturesque locality of Proves/Proveis, the new Provi Snowpark is a hit with the entire family. Discover the Provi Snowpark with your family and let the kids try the new transporter belt, purposely designed for them. Total family fun is assured with rubber tubes, toboggans, bobsleighs and conventional skis.

Prices Children (4-15 years) Adults
Half Day Ticket 7,00 € 8,00 €
Day Ticket 8,00 € 9,00 €
Family Card (10 Tickets) 70,00 €  
Half Day Ticket Adults + Child 12,00 €  
Day Ticket Adults + Child 16,00 €  
Rental Bob 4€/h 4€/h


Info: +39 340 1502123