Put Down the Xbox and Away to the Forest!

Put Down the Xbox and Away to the Forest!

Can you recognize the traces left by a bark beetle? Come and see in Scena.

It is a wonderful feeling to do something with your own hands. This is what makes the family program of Elisabeth Taibon Karnutsch so popular . But there is more to it than that – it is all about making a
holiday together with the children, as a family. This way you do not give the little ones to a nanny to be in good hands, but rather spend your time with your loved ones and experience exciting things and unforgettable adventures. One family man called it "a de-celeration program".

Exciting discovery tours through woods and meadows
Together with the kindergarten teacher, herbalist and certified nature and landscape guide Elisabeth Taibon Karnutsch, take a tour into nature, where there is much to discover. Guided family hikes take you across lush meadows and through the forest. Along the way, there are plenty of places for creative workshops, where children and parents alike can get to know nature in all its exciting and exciting aspects. Children from the age of six can also take part in the children's program on their own.

In the forest you will find countless natural materials that invite you to play and experiment.
Young adventurers can train their detective instincts to track animals, and explore the beneficial effects of wild herbs. Learn from your guide Elisabeth many interesting things about the water, make imaginative works of art from the boundless treasures of nature, and listen to exciting fairy tales in mysterious places.
discovery tours through woods and meadows. where children and parents alike can get to know nature in all its exciting and exciting aspects.
On the herbal guided tour, collect and determine herbs together with your children and learn interesting things about their use and specific healing properties. Out of the treasures of nature come herbal teas made on an open fire, and healing properties such as that of the ribgrass tincture, which helps with grazes or insect bites.

The varied family and children's program in Scena/Schenna started out as a creative nature workshop – a hike and some handcraft works done in nature. Today, there are twelve different events offered throughout the year.

In the Creative Nature Workshop, young and old stroll through the woods and collect natural treasures: roots, stones, flowers, leaves and pine cones. At some secluded spot, create small works of art such as dream catchers, animals made of pine cones and branches, small baskets of willow and knots, figures made from clay or small forest instruments.
Are you a good cook in the wild? In the forest, you first collect firewood, which is then lit without using a match. Learn to deal with the dangerous aspects of the fire, and how to use medicinal herbs against blistering. And around a crackling campfire, while some goods from mother nature are boiling, listen to adventurous stories.

Did you ever want to know the trail left by a bark beetle in the forest? Then learn how to read animal tracks. On a hike through the forest, embark on an exciting search for clues, while learning to read the signs of the animals: footprints, constructions, nests, solutions, feathers or feeding trails.

Even in winter there is much to do in Scena. At Christmas time, Elisabeth organizes wonderful winter hikes and joint felting sessions.

Not only your children, but parents will remember these common experiences in the woods of Schenna.
At eye level with eagles, owls and vultures
When wild birds of prey circle above your head
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At eye level with eagles, owls and vultures