Deepening the relationship between people and nature

Deepening the relationship between people and nature

Amidst the backdrop of a winter fairytale

The Zukunftsinstitut describes resonant sports as a trend of the future. The report states: “Resonance sports attract people looking for a new bond, something that frees them from perceived digital autism.” These sports include cross-country skiing, snowshoe hiking or ski touring. They all require intensive contact with nature and promote a connection with one’s own body.

Winter in South Tyrol offers space for gentle movement in nature. We recommend the following activities and the appropriate environment:

Snowshoe hiking on the Vigiljoch mountain
On the Vigiljoch, the local mountain of Lana, you’ll discover a quiet winter forest perfect for gentle hikes in the snow. Way up high, time seems to stand still during wintertime. No cars, no noise, no hassle. In nature, the spirit finds soothing peace for tranquillity and an important break from everyday life.

Cross-country skiing in Plan/Pfelders
Largely untouched nature can also be enjoyed in the traffic-calmed mountain village of Plan in the Passeiertal valley. This small Alpine village is one of the Alpine Pearls, because it is completely car-free and enchantingly situated in mountains. The Laziner Tal cross-country skiing trail leads through snow-covered mountain landscapes and silver-green spruces. The trail is perfect for beginners and children.

Ice skating under the stars in the Ultental valley
Like dancing, coordination and strength are also required when ice skating. With thousands of sparkling stars in the sky above, ice skating is an especially enchanting experience in the evening. You can hear the whisper of the runners and watch your breath rising like smoke in the cold, clear air. The Ultental valley is known for its pristine nature, its vast forests, and numerous mountain lakes.
Ötzi Glacier Tour on the Schnalstal Glacier
During a high-Alpine Ötzi Glacier Tour on the Schnalstal Glacier, follow in the footsteps of the iceman through untouched nature. With concentration, put one foot in front of the other. The tour leads from the mountain station of the Schnalstaler Gletscherbahn cable car over the Hochjochferner ridge onward to the 3,200-m-high Tisenjoch ridge, the site where Ötzi the Iceman was discovered. Experienced mountain guides accompany mountaineers during the daylong ski tour through the fascinating landscape of the Ötztal Alps.

Sledging at Merano 2000
One of the most beautiful natural sledging trails is located on the high plateau of Avelengo/Hafling, Verano/Vöran and Merano 2000. The natural sledging trail leads through the wintry forest. Let nature lead the way as your body guides the sledge through the landscape. Your muscles need strength and your mind must always be focused on the track ahead.

Relax and enjoy – a part of any visit to South Tyrol
After a day of fun-filled activities in the snow, the body longs for relaxation. The region’s accommodation providers not only offer massages and treatments with local products such as mountain pine or herbal oils, they’ll also delight your stomach. In the valleys, discover the best local dishes in authentic traditional parlours or international gourmet cuisine in Merano.
All skiing areas and winter destinations around Merano
Skiing in Passeiertal Valley
Skiing in Passeiertal Valley
Skiing fun with snow guaranteed from the beginning of December through to Easter
Skiing in the Ultental Valley
Skiing in the Ultental Valley
Ski vacation in a unique outdoor setting
Skiing in Schnalstal Valley
Skiing in Schnalstal Valley
The ski area at the Schnalstal Glacier includes 42 km of slopes at between 2,000 and 3,200m a.s.l.
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