Hafling, Vöran, Meran 2000 FAQ
Frequent questions and answers about Hafling, Vöran, Meran 2000
Hafling, Vöran, Meran 2000 FAQ

Hafling, Vöran, Meran 2000 FAQ

Frequent questions and answers about Hafling, Vöran, Meran 2000

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are a list of the most common questions visitors ask when planning holidays in Hafling/Avelengo, Vöran/Verano, Meran 2000. Questions and answers can be found in this section.
Public transport
How can I reach Hafling and Vöran by bus and train?
Hafling and Vöran are well connected to the public transport network. The cities of Bozen and Meran are good starting points and are easily accessible by train. The easiest way to reach Hafling from Meran is by bus no. 225.
Vöran can be reached from Bozen by bus no. 204 or from Burgstall by cable car.
You can find up to date time tables on suedtirolmobil.info
How do I get to the Meran 2000 ski and hiking area by public transport?
Bus no. 225 runs at regular intervals from Meran via Hafling Dorf to Falzeben. In winter, a free ski bus also runs between Hafling Dorf and Falzeben.
The Meran 2000 cable car is also a good way to reach the Meran 2000 skiing and hiking area quickly from the town of Meran.
Which cable cars are included in the South Tyrol Guest Pass?
The South Tyrol Guest Pass includes all cable cars that are part of the public transport network. On the Tschögglberg, these are the Vöran-Burgstall, Mölten-Vilpian and Jenesien-Bozen cable cars.
All further information about the South Tyrol Guest Pass can be found at suedtirolmobil.info
How much does a ride on the cable car cost?
All departure times and tariffs of the cable cars included in public transport system can be found at suedtirolmobil.info
Can I take my bike on the cable car?
In summer, bicycles can be transported in the following cable cars: Merano 2000 ropeway, Falzeben cable car, Vöran-Burgstall ropeway;
Can I take my bike on the bus?
Unfortunately, the buses on the Tschögglberg are not equipped with the necessary facilities for transporting bicycles. Further information can be found at suedtirolmobil.info
Is there an e-charging station for cars in Hafling and Vöran?
In Hafling Dorf below the municipal office you can find a e-charging station for cars and bicycles.
Which bus stops are there?
You can find all bus stops at suedtirolmobil.info.
What car parks are there in Hafling and Vöran?
There are the following car parks in Hafling and Vöran:


below the parish church
Falzeben car park
Hafling sports zone
Nusser car park


in the village centre
"Knottnkino" cinema above Eggerhof farm
LeNoir Forest car park
What is the best way to get to Meran?
The easiest way to reach Meran is by bus. If you start in Hafling, bus no. 225 will take you directly to the centre and the Meran train station. If you start in Vöran, take bus no. 204 to Hafling and from there bus no. 225 to Meran. Alternatively, you can take the cable car to Burgstall and then bus no. 201 to Meran.
Is there a taxi service or shuttle service?
Pircher Helmuth, Vöran, T. +39 328 337 333 8
General information
How can I contact the tourist office of Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000
You can contact us in the tourist office Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 by e-mail: info@hafling.com or phone +39 0473 279 457. You can visit us in Hafling, St. Kathreinstr. 2/A

Digital info points (accessible 24 hours a day) for accommodation searches, hiking suggestions, activity tips, open restaurants/huts and much more are available at the car park in Hafling Dorf, in front of the information office in Hafling, in front of the Falzeben cable car, at the mountain and valley station of the Vöran cable car and in Vöran Dorf.
How do I find available accommodation?
On our website you can search for available accommodation: Search & book accommodation.
We are happy to assist you by phone: +39 0473 279 457.
What is the local tax?
The local tax was introduced in South Tyrol in 2014 and is a municipal tax. The revenue from the local tax is used for the expansion and maintenance of infrastructure and services, as well as for the organisation of cultural and sporting events.
The local tax is raised per guest and overnight stay by the accommodation providers. The amount of this municipal tax depends on the category of the establishment and also differs in the individual localities. Children and young people under the age of 14 are exempt from the tax.
The local tax is payable on departure and is shown separately on the invoice.
What is the amount of the local tax?
Since 01.01.2024, the following local taxes are being levied in Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 per overnight stay from the age of 14:
• 3,10€ -> for all accommodations with: 4 stars, 4 stars superior, 5 stars
• 2,60€ -> for all accommodations with: 3 stars, 3 stars superior, 5 flowers/suns/stars camping
• 2,10€ -> for all other categories
Minors up to the age of 18 are exempt from the local tax, provided they are part of organised school and youth groups consisting of at least ten people including accompanying persons.
Where can I find public toilets?
The public toilets in Hafling are located in the village centre between the church and the school.
The public toilets in Vöran are located next to the church.
Is there a lost property office in Hafling or Vöran?
Lost property is usually handed in to the municipalities of Hafling and Vöran. On the website www.fundinfo.it - the online lost property office of the municipalities of South Tyrol - you can search for lost items that have been handed in to the lost property offices of South Tyrol.
Is there a farmacy in Hafling or Vöran?
There is no pharmacy in Hafling and Vöran. The nearest pharmacies are in Mölten or Meran. Pharmacies with weekend and evening service can be found in the list of pharmacies in South Tyrol.
Is there a doctor in Hafling or Vöran?
The medical centre in Hafling is located at Kirchweg 1.
Dr Breitenberger, Tel. +39 348 992 987 2
by telephone appointment only

The medical centre in Vöran is located in Dorfstr. 5
Dr Reinstadler Kathrin, Tel. +39 328 376 537 6
Where is the police station?
Carabinieri station in Hafling, St. Kathreinstr. 2, T. +39 0473 279 433
Where is there a post office?

There is a post office in Hafling and Vöran:

  • Hafling, St. Kathreinstr. 2, T. +39 0473 710 306, MON + WED + FRI 88.20 am - 1.45 pm
  • Vöran, Dorfplatz 1, T. +39 0473 278 194, MON + WED + FRI 8.20 am - 1.45 pm
Where can I go shopping? What are the openig hours of the shops?
In Hafling and Vöran you can shop in the following shops and farm shops.
- Despar Hafling, Kirchweg 21, Tel. +39 0473 868 013
(groceries, fruit and vegetables)
MON - FRI 07.45 - 18.30, SAT 07.45 - 18.00
- Lenkhof farm cheese dairy, Hafling, Vöranerstr. 4, tel. +39 0473 278 124
WED + FRI 14.00 - 18.00, SAT 10.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 18.00
- Farm shop Obertimpflerhof, Vöran, Vöraner Str. 90/1,
+39 335 750 224 9 (Speck and sausage products from our own production)
FR 09.00 - 12.00 / 15.00 - 18.00, SAT 09.00 - 12.00 or by appointment
- Butcher's Egger, Hafling, Forrigasse 3, Tel. +39 0473 279 435
(meat, bacon and sausage products from our own butchery)
MON - SAT 08.00 - 12.00
- Berger Minerals, Hafling, Falzebenerstr. 209, Tel. +39 0473 279 537
(minerals, gemstones and souvenirs)
MON - SUN 09.00 - 18.00
- Zar Conad, Vöran, Vöraner Str. 42, Tel. +39 0473 278 222
(groceries, fruit and vegetables, newspapers)
MON - FR from 06.45 - 12.00 / 15.00 - 18.30, SAT 06.45 - 12.00 (in summer also SAT from 15.00 - 18.00, DI afternoon closed all year round)
Where is there a petrol station in Hafling and Vöran?
The petrol station is located at the entrance to Hafling, Tel. +39 0473 279 354
The opening hours are MON - FRI
SAT + SUN Self Service
What can I do on a rainy day?
If the weather is not great, we recommend a visit to the spa town of Meran for shopping, strolling and enjoying the Mediterranean flair. The best way to reach it is by public transport. You can find more ideas for rainy days here.
Can I bring my dog when hiking in the mountains?
Dogs are allowed on all hiking trails, but should be kept on a lead out of consideration for the numerous animals and wildlife. In addition to grazing animals, marmots, chamois and ibex are not uncommon on a high mountain hike in Merano and Environs.
Can I pick mushrooms in Hafling and Vöran?
Mushroom picking is possible on even days from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm in the municipality for which the daily fee of € 10,00 (online payment: 10,80 €) has been paid. A maximum of 1kg of mushrooms per day and person (over 14 years of age) may be collected. A permit can be obtained on the websites of the municipalities or by paying into the current account of the respective municipality or at the information office in Hafling.
Where can I find out about the current traffic situation in South Tyrol?
The Traffic Information Centre of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol offers an online service at verkehr.provinz.bz.it or can be contacted by telephone on +39 0471 200198.
Where can I find today's events in Hafling and Vöran?
You can find the events of the current week in the weekly programme.
All events with search function can be found in all events.
Where can I register for events?
Registration for all events is possible by telephone at the information office (Tel: +39 0473 279457) or online.
Are there barrier-free accommodations in Hafling and Vöran?
Yes, there are barrier-free accommodations in Hafling and Vöran. You can search for accommodation with specific filters, such as accessibility, here by ticking the barrier-free box under facilities.
What does Merano 2000 mean and where is it located?
Meran 2000 is a skiing and hiking area in the municipality of Hafling with numerous activities and catered huts. Accessible from Hafling/Falzeben: directly on foot or with the cable car or from Meran/Naiftal with the Meran 2000 cable car. T +39 0473 234821.
Which hikes can I do in Hafling and Vöran?
There are hiking trails of all levels of difficulty in Hafling and Vöran as well as the ski and hiking area. You can find the best hiking tips and all useful information about hiking on our website.

Looking for a specific hike? Contact us, we will be happy to advise you! Mail info@hafling.com Tel +39 0473 279457
Are there guided hikes?
Yes, there are regular guided hikes in summer and winter. You can find all current hikes in our calendar of events.
Where can I find the opening hours of the sights?
All information about the sights in the Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 holiday region can be found on our website.
Where can I find Haflinger horses?
The good-natured Haflinger horses can be found in the riding stables all year round. In the summer months (June to September), several hundred Haflinger horses enjoy the alpine summer at Merano 2000.
Where can I go horse riding in Hafling and Vöran?
There are two public riding stables in Hafling and Vöran. All information and contact details can be found on our website.
There are also various private riding stables that offer riding holidays. You can find them on our website by ticking the box "Own horse riding stable" under " Facilities".
Is there a racecourse?
The Meran racecourse is one of the most beautiful racecourses in Europe. Information on the racing calendar is available from the information office.
Merano, Rennstallweg 37, T. +39 0473 446 222
Where can I rent a mountain bike?
Where can I eat out in Hafling and Vöran?
You can find a constantly updated list of all restaurants with opening times and closing days at www.hafling.com/gastro
What weekly and farmers' markets are there?


  • Great market, FRI 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Prader Platz and part of the Meinhardstraße
  • Small market, TUE 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Prader Platz
  • Small market, WED 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Sinich, Vittorio-Veneto-Platz
  • Meraner Markt, SAT (28.03. - 31.10.2020) 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., obere Freiheitsstr.
  • Farm market, SAT 8 a.m. - 12 a.m., Galileistraße
  • Farm market, WED 7 a.m. - 12 a.m., Brunnenplatz and Meinhardstraße
  • Jumble sale, every last SAT of the month, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Winterpromenade


  • Great Market, SAT 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Siegesplatz
Is there a towing service in Hafling and Vöran?
There is no towing service in Hafling and Vöran. There are the following towing services in the surrounding area:
- Kofler Luis, Handwerkerzone 13, Algund, Tel. +39 0473 446 161
- Bergo B&B, Viehmarktstr. 2, Merano, Tel. +39 0473 220 700/335 703 653 5
Can I fish in Hafling and Vöran?
To fish in public waters you need the Italian state licence, available at the Lana Tourist Office (please bring your ID with you). You must also purchase a day licence available at the Lana Tourist Office or at Jagd- und Fischereiartikel Jawag, Gampenstr. 8, Marling. With this card you can fish in the Adige and Passer rivers.
Can I rent a car in Hafling and Vöran?
There are no car hire companies in Hafling and Vöran, but the following companies are present in South Tyrol:


Local rental points:
Auto Götsch, Reichstr. 78, Meran, Tel.: +39 0473 212 219
Sportgarage, Max Valier Str. 7, Meran, Tel.: +39 0473 273 300
Are there swimming lakes in Hafling and Vöran? Which swimming pools are open to the public?
There are no swimming lakes in Hafling and Vöran. The following swimming lakes are located in the surrounding area:
• Gargazon natural swimming pool, Gargazon, approx. 21 km
• Montiggl Lakes, Eppan, Wine Road, approx. 40 km
• Lake Kaltern, Kaltern, Wine Route, approx. 50 km
• Felixer Weiher, Deutschnonsberg, approx. 46 km

The public swimming pools are:
• Schenna, Alte Straße 12, Tel. +39 0473 234 903
• Meran Lido, Schwimmbadstraße 38, Tel. +39 0473 447 651
• Therme Meran, Thermenplatz 9, Tel. +39 0473 252 000
• Lana Lido, Boznerstraße 67, Tel. +39 388 899 902 2
• Algund, Marktstraße 11, Tel. +39 338 961 264 3
• Naturbad Gargazon, Bahnhofstraße 37, Tel. +39 0473 291 129
• Erlebnistherme Naturns, Feldgasse 5, Tel. +39 0473 668 036

The public indoor pools are:
Meranarena, Meran, Tel. +39 0473 236 975, (from September until May)
Erlebnistherme Naturns, Tel. +39 0473 668 036
Therme Meran, Tel. +39 0473 252 000, thermemeran.it
Where is there a bank in Hafling and Vöran? Is there an ATM in Hafling and Vöran?
Hafling, Raiffeisenkasse, Kirchweg 25, Tel. +39 0473 279 460 MO - FR 08.15 - 13.00. ATM around the clock
Vöran, Raiffeisenkasse, Dorfstraße 5, Tel. +39 0473 863 600 TU - FR 08.30 - 12.30. ATM around the clock
What is the emergency number?
You can use the international emergency number 112 to call an ambulance, the fire brigade and the mountain rescue service.
Is there a library in Hafling and Vöran?
  • In the town hall of Vöran
    WED 08.30 - 10.30, THU 17.00 - 18.00 (June, July + Aug. 18.00 - 19.00), FRI 15.00 - 17.00, SUN 09.45 - 10.45
  • On the ground floor of the Hafling primary school
    MON 18.30 - 20.00,  TUE 08.30 - 10.00, THU 14.30 - 16.30, SUN 09.45 - 10.45
  • Merano City Library with reading room, Rennweg 1, tel. +39 0473 236 911
    MON + THU 13.00 - 19.00, TUE+WED+FRI 10.00 - 19.00, SAT 10.00 – 12.30
Where can I play golf nearby?

There are the following golf courses in Meran and Environs:

  • Lana Golf Club, Brandisweg 13, Lana, tel. +39 0473 564 696, golfclublana.it, 9-hole course, par 35, from mid-February
  • Golfclub Passeier-Meran, Kellerlahne 3, St. Leonhard i.P., tel. +39 0473 641 488, golfclubpasseier.com, 18-hole course, par 71, March to November
Where and when can I attend church services?
The church services are listed in the parish newsletters of Hafling and Vöran.
You can attend Protestant church services in the Christuskirche in Merano directly on the Passer promenade on all Sundays and church holidays at 10.00 am.
Are there any cinemas in Hafling or Vöran?
There are the following cinemas in the surroundings:

Filmclub Meran, Ariston-Galerie
Filmclub Bozen, Dr. Streiter-Gasse 8/d, Tel. +39 0471 059 090
Cineplexx Algo, Algund, Weingartner-Str. 31, Tel. +39 0473 055 390
Cineplexx Bozen, Schlachthofstr. 53/A, Tel. +39 0471 054 550
UCI Cinemas Bozen, im „Twenty“, Galileistr. 20
Where is the nearest hospital?

The nearest hospital is in Merano:

  • Hospital Franz Tappeiner Merano, Rossinistr. 5, T +39 0473 263 333
  • St. Anna Private Clinic, Cavourstr. 58, T +39 0473 236 480
Where can I climb in a climbing centre?
  • Rockarena, Meran, Gampenstr. 74, T +39 0473 234 619
  • Salewa Cube, Bozen, Gebert-Deeg-Str. 4, T +39 0471 188 686 7
Where can I book carriage rides?
Carriage rides can be booked in advance at
Sulfner Riding Stable, T +39 366 651 444 9
Is there a ski depot?
  • Rent & go, Skiservice Erwin Stricker, Meran 2000, T. +39 0473 279 390, meran2000@rentandgo.it
  • Sport Max, Falzeben, T. +39 334 656 331 4, maxgruber@alice.it
Where can I rent skis?
  • Rent & go, Skiservice Erwin Stricker, Hafling/Falzeben, tel. +39 0473 279 390 and Meran/Naiftal - valley station Bergbahn Meran 2000, tel. +39 0473 491 369, meran2000@rentandgo.it / hafling@rentandgo.it
  • Sport Max, Hafling/Falzeben, tel. +39 334 656 331 4, maxgruber@alice.it
Where can you book tandem paragliding flights?
Tirolfly (Gleitschirm), Dorf Tirol, T. +39 335 676 689 1
Tandemclub Ifinger, Saltaus, T. +39 339 763 171 5
Where can I play tennis?
  • Meranarena, Meran, Piavestr. 46 – covered and uncovered courts, T. +39 0473 236 550
  • Lanarena, Max Valier Str. 5, Tel. +39 0473 563 535
Where can I go to the theatre?
Stadttheater Meran, Theaterplatz 2, T. +39 0473 496 000
Theater in der Altstadt, Meran, Freiheitsstr. 27, T. +39 0473 211 623
Stadttheater Bozen, Verdiplatz 40, Tickets: T. +39 0471 065 320
Where is a veterinay surgery?
  • MoHoVet, Kleintierpraxis Meran, Vinschgauerstr. 9/A, T. +39 0473 200 901
  • Tierklinik Tscherms, Gampenstr. 1/A, T. +39 0473 565 350
Can I hire a private hiking guide?

You can contact the following hiking guides:

  • Franz Reiterer, Tel. +39 339 570 280 6
  • Norbert Spornberger, Tel. +39 348 223 996 4
  • Franco Bernard, Tel. +39 333 857 088 4
  • Gerlinde Auckenthaler, Tel. +39 338 341 828 2
  • Waltraud Haller, Tel. +39 333 614 266 3
Is there a dry cleaning/laundry/textile cleaning service?
Orehek, Brunnenplatz 20, Meran, T. +39 335 615 984 2 MON - THU 08.00 - 12.00 and 14.30 - 18.30, FRI 08.00 - 13.00
Where can I taste wine / sparkling wine / spirits?
  • Rametz Castle Winery, Merano/Obermais, tel. +39 0473 211 011, guided tour with tasting every Monday with shuttle from Hafling/Vöran, registration at the information office
  • Arunda sparkling wine cellar, Mölten, tel. +39 0471 668 033 - the highest sparkling wine cellar in Europe MON - FRI 08.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 18.00 / SAT 8.00 - 12.00
  • Schnapps distillery Schwarz, Mölten, tel. +39 340 762 114 9 MON + WED 09.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 19.00, THU + FRI 09.00 - 12.00 / 14.30 - 19.00
Where is there a dentist?
Dr. Giuseppe De Carlo, Hafling, by arrangement, T. +39 333 588 105 7
Where can I buy newspapers?
Gemischtwaren Zar, Vöraner Str. 42, Vöran
Is there a drinking water dispenser in Hafling?
The drinking water dispenser is located on the Haflinger Adventure Trail, one of the most popular family hikes in Hafling. You can find the exact position here.
It is open to the public and can be reached via the pedestrian path.
All about family holidays
Where does the Haflinger Adventure Trail begin?
The Haflinger Adventure Trail starts in Hafling village and ends at the Sulfner riding stable in the St. Kathrein district. You can view the location of the starting point here: Haflinger Adventure Trail.
How long is the Haflinger Adventure Trail?
The Haflinger Adventure Trail is approx. 2 km long. It is not a circular route. If you solve the puzzles at all the stations using the Challenge app, you should allow at least two hours for the entire trail. You can either return by bus no. 225 or by taking the direct route on foot in approx. 20 minutes (this shortcut is not suitable for pushchairs).
Are there events for children?
All events for children and further information on what you can do as a family can be found on our website in the section programme for children.
Which hiking trails are accessible with a pushchair?
We have put together some tips for hikes with pushchairs. You can access them via the following link: Hikes suitable for pushchairs
What playgrounds are there in Hafling, Vöran and Meran 2000?

There are the following playgrounds in Hafling and Vöran:

  • at the mountain station of the Vöran-Burgstall cable car
  • at the primary school in Hafling Dorf
  • in Hafling Oberdorf
  • at Merano 2000 the Outdoor Kids Camp
Is there a hiking pass?
Collecting stamps is a wonderful incentive for going on hikes. Ask for the adventure book Leo Good Nose including the hiking pass at the information office or in your accomodation.
Is there an ice rink in Hafling and Vöran?
In Hafling you can ice skate next to the clubhouse in winter when it's cold enough (no skate rental on site).
Where can you ride?

There are the following riding stables in Hafling and Vöran who offer rides and lessons:

  • Sulfner riding stable, St. Kathreinstr. 4, Hafling, T. +39 366 651 444 9
  • Vöran riding school, Aschlerbach 37, Mölten, T. + 39 366 520 303 6
Where is the recycling centre?
The recycling centre in Hafling is located between the petrol station and the bridge.
Opening hours: Tuesday 09.30 - 11.30 + Saturday 08.30 - 11.30
Where can I contact the Merano 2000 ski school & ski kindergarten?
State-certified ski instructors of the ski school Meran 2000 offer ski courses and private lessons in skiing, snowboarding and carving. Ski kindergarten with supervision for children from 3.5 to 5 years. Tel. +39 0473 279 404

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