Private estates
Winegrowers in Marlengo
Private estates
News Opening hours of the Marling ice skating rink: Tue – Wed – Thu: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Fri: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Sat – Sun: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Private estates

Winegrowers in Marlengo

In addition to the large Merano/Meran wine cooperative, there are also winegrowers in Marlengo/Marling who press their own grapes, for example the Plonerhof, Popphof, Gruberhof, Hillepranterhof and Pardellerhof who all produce excellent red and white wines in their own wine cellars. These independent vintners only process the grapes grown on their own slopes. The Eichenstein vineyard, whose wines are served at the Hotel Restaurant Oberwirt, is another winegrower in Marlengo. The Geier Bernhard vineyard is the steepest in South Tyrol, for which reason the sparkling wine lovingly and carefully produced there is known as “Steil” (or steep).
Eichenstein Estate
Eichenstein Estate
Eichenstein , a small piece of paradise, is located in a fantastic location at 550 meters in Freiberg, high above Meran. The winery Eichenstein also includes ...
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vineyard Pardellerhof
vineyard Pardellerhof
The farm Pardellerhof Montin in Marlengo is a historic farm house from 1285, embedded in the fascinating scenery of the Merano countryside. Montin is a small ...
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vineyard Gruberhof
vineyard Gruberhof
The Gruberhof is located in the wine village Marling/Marlengo, near the trail Waalweg and was built in 1924. Originally, the farm served Mathias Gamper ...
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vineyard Popphof
vineyard Popphof
Winegrowing has a long tradition at the Popphof: decades of experience in viticulture, careful pressing, controlled fermentation and maturing in wooden - ...
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vineyard Plonerhof
vineyard Plonerhof
The Plonerhof in Marlengo presents itself in a completely different way: a fruit farm with apple cultivation has been transformed into a vineyard with up to ...
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Vineyard Geier
Vineyard Geier
The vineyard "Geier Bernhard" is the steepest vineyard in South Tyrol which is accessible by vehicles. In the mids of deciduous and coniferous forests, it is ...
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vineyard Hillepranter
vineyard Hillepranter
A very warm welcome to the Hillepranter Vineyard . In 2021 we, the Kapfinger family, decided to produce our own wines in future, after many years of putting ...
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Experience wine diversity: Tastings at Marling's wine producers
Learn all about wine production in Marling and be inspired by the high-quality wines and the passion of the winegrowers.
Wine & Design-Gain insight into the viticulture in the Cantina Merano Winery
Wednesday 29 Jan
15:00 - 17:00
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Wine & Design-Gain insight into the viticulture in the Cantina Merano Winery
Oak, glass and breathtaking views: The Cantina Merano Winery is a must-visit for anyone who loves architecture, design and wine. During a guided cellar tour, visitors can learn how grapes are ...
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The fascination of wine: wine cellar tour at the Plonerhof winery
Thursday 30 Jan
Nörderstraße/Via Tramontana 29, Marling
15:00 - 16:30
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The fascination of wine: wine cellar tour at the Plonerhof winery
The Plonerhof winery in Marling invites you to an exclusive wine tasting and cellar tour every Thursday at 3:00 PM, year-round (except during harvest). Experience how passion and expertise create ...
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Guided wine cellar tour at the Winery Gruberhof
Friday 07 Mar
16:00 - 18:00
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Guided wine cellar tour at the Winery Gruberhof
From March to the end of October, the biological Gruberhof winery in Marling invites you to guided tours of the wine cellar every Friday at 4:00 PM. Discover the fascinating world of viticulture and ...
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Wine tasting at the Popphof winery
Tuesday 01 Apr
16:30 - 18:30
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Wine tasting at the Popphof winery
Discover the characterful wines of Popphof winery every Tuesday at 4:30 PM from April to the end of August during an exclusive wine tasting with winemaker Katharina. At the historic Popphof in ...
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OUR WORLD OF WINE-Wine cellar tour and tasting at the Hillepranter winery
Thursday 03 Apr
17:30 - 19:30
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OUR WORLD OF WINE-Wine cellar tour and tasting at the Hillepranter winery
From April to the beginning of November, young winemaker Lukas from the Hillepranterhof invites you to enjoy his exquisite wines every Thursday at 5:30 pm. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world ...
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The WineCulturePath in Marling
The adventure trail around the wine culture read more ...
The WineCulturePath in Marling
News Opening hours of the Marling ice skating rink: Tue – Wed – Thu: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Fri: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Sat – Sun: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 3 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

❄️ Winterzauber am Vigiljoch – ein Ort voller Geschichte und Magie! ❄️

Eingehüllt in Stille, umgeben von glitzerndem Schnee und atemberaubender Natur: Eine Winterwanderung zur Sankt-Vigilius-Kirche auf 1793 m ist ein Erlebnis, das euch nicht nur die Schönheit der Südtiroler Landschaft zeigt, sondern auch in die Vergangenheit eintauchen lässt.

💫 Schon gewusst? Das Vigiljoch war bereits in prähistorischer Zeit ein Kultplatz. Feuersteinfunde und Schalensteine aus der Bronzezeit zeugen von der besonderen Energie dieses Ortes. Die heutige Kirche wurde vermutlich über einem heidnischen Kultplatz errichtet und im 12. Jahrhundert erstmals urkundlich erwähnt.

👣 Tipp: Startet eure Winterwanderung früh, um die klare Bergluft und das besondere Licht am Vigiljoch in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Vergesst eure Kamera nicht – die verschneite Landschaft rund um die Kirche ist ein Traum!

📸 Ihr habt ein tolles Bild vom Vigiljoch? Zeigt es uns gerne 😍

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 3 days ago

Postcard views from snowy days in Marling! ❄️✨

📸 Lintner Christian

#marling #südtirol #meran #wandernsüdtirol #panorama #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #wintertime #winterwonderland #mountains #landscapephotography

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 6 days ago

Snowshoeing & winter hiking in Marling and the surrounding area 🌟❄️

Our recommendations for your next winter adventure:

🌄 Winter hiking in the Merano Region - fantastic views
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Vigiljoch - A family-friendly winter paradise
🎿 Merano 2000 - The highlight for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers
🚶‍♂️ Hafling and Tschögglberg - Relaxed routes with fantastic panoramas
⛷️ Schwemmalm in Ultental Valley - Unspoilt nature and lots of fun in the snow

What is your favorite winter hiking area? ❄️

📸IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Dietmar Denger

#marling #südtirol #meran #schneeschuhwandern #winterurlaub #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #mountains #winterhiking

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 7 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

⛸️ Schlittschuhe an – Eiszauber in Marling! ❄️

Der Winter in Marling hat seinen ganz eigenen Charme – und was könnte schöner sein, als noch ein paar Runden auf dem Eis zu drehen? Unser Eislaufplatz ist der perfekte Ort für einen entspannten Nachmittag mit Familie und Freunden.

📅 Aber aufgepasst: Der Eiszauber endet bald! Nur noch bis zum 1. Februar habt ihr die Gelegenheit, euch auf die Kufen zu schwingen.

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 10 days ago

Discover the Marling Wine Culture Trail - a special experience all year round”! 🍇✨

Are you a wine lover or just someone who enjoys walking in nature? Then the Marling Wine Culture Trail is perfect for you! 🌿🚶‍♂️

This 4 km trail takes you through picturesque landscapes and past the wine farms of Marling. Along the way, you'll learn all about the history and culture of Marling wine. 🍷

Experience culture, history and enjoyment on this beautiful hike. ✨

📸 Pertoll Damian, TV Marling

#marling #südtirol #meran #suedtirolwein #weinkulturweg #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #winelovers

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