Simon Staffler
Sommelier and wine journalist
Simon Staffler

Simon Staffler

Wine-writer and sommelier

Born in 1988, wine-writer/sommelier, Simon Staffler, has what’s referred to as a “dream job”. As the Falstaff wine and lifestyle magazine correspondent for Italy Staffler regularly visits one Italian winery after the other, appraising their wines.

Since you spend most of the year visiting Italian winegrowing regions, what do you think makes South Tyrolean wine stand out in this wine-savvy country?
At the moment, South Tyrol wine is considered incredibly sexy in Rome, Florence and Milan. There are two factors involved: the very high quality of the wines and the focused, targeted marketing of the distributors. Combined, these two factors are like dynamite that knock down any barriers. Add to that the unity and cohesion of South Tyrolean winemakers which, of course, is real and you have an unstoppable force. But let’s not forget that, as a wine-growing region, South Tyrol is vanishingly small and continuing to go it alone might end up in oblivion.

In recent years, Vinschgau Valley wine production has developed from a local South Tyrolean phenomenon to an authentic wine-producing sub-region in its own right. Does that come as a surprise or was it already on the cards?
Vinschgau Valley’s success is largely due to its two heavyweight players: Franz Pratzner (Falkenstein Winery) and Martin Aurich (Unterortl Winery). It’s mostly thanks to this pair that the Lower Vinschgau Valley has been catapulted onto the wine map with their top-notch wines. Funnily enough, many locals aren’t even aware of this. To them, Franz Pratzner is just a local winemaker, or someone they’ve only heard of. But in Milan, he’s considered a rising star! The Vinschgau Valley is a young wine-producing area with a lot of potential. As far as I’m concerned, the main problem is that a critical volume of wine produced needs to be reached for this sub-region to gain credibility as a serious winegrowing region. But due to its particular topography, the Vinschgau Valley has limited scope for expanding its existing vinicultural areas. Since wine-farmers and winemakers are practical types, they’ll think twice before planting vines on steep slopes!

What is it about the Vinschgau Valley as a wine region that makes it stand out? How would you describe it to someone who’s never been here before?
Growing vines here is very challenging and requires a lot of skill: there are the steep slopes, a dry climate, unusual wind conditions and different soil types to contend with. These are just some of the adverse factors. The vineyards are also very small in size and there aren’t any large contiguous cultivation areas that you’ll find in other winegrowing areas. In such a situation, winemaking is derived from pure passion and conviction, otherwise you wouldn’t even attempt it. Obviously, some of the other factors affecting other wine-growing areas in South Tyrol also applies to the Vinschgau Valley. For example, extreme weather events including hailstorms have been on the increase in recent years – further complicating the work of the winegrowers.
“The very fact that the Riesling pioneers in Italy all come from Vinschgau speaks volumes.”
The inhabitants of the Vinschgau Valley are known as lateral thinkers and free spirits. How would you describe winegrowers in the Vinschgau Valley?
The people of Vinschgau Valley are certainly very headstrong – who like doing things their own way. The very fact that the Riesling pioneers in Italy all come from Vinschgau speaks volumes. What’s also special about the Vinschgau Valley vines is their high percentage of new fungus-resistant PiWi varietals. This is may be due to the fact that viticulture is on the rise here, and these new varietals are capable of defending themselves against the fungi. Also, PiWi varietals require few or no chemical inputs. However, vinification of PiWi grapes is quite complicated, due to their broad spectrum of flavours and absence of distinguishing features. For example, if you take 3 bottles of Solaris from different wineries, each would taste completely different from the other. I think this is where things are going to get more interesting in future.

While on the subject of PiWi wines, we’ve seen new trends such as biodynamic, vin naturel, vegan, etc. What’s your take?

Are winemakers always trying to keep up with new trends, or do they get involved through genuine conviction? It’s a bit of both. Some winemakers follow trends while others take no notice. When it comes to biodynamic or organic wines it’s a bit different, but in the end the wine has to be up to par. If the label on the back of the bottle says “organic”, and if the wine is undrinkable it behoves neither the consumer nor the winemaker. Personally, I think there’s a lot of potential in biodynamic wines. Yet it’s hardly discussed, because for most winemakers the focus remains on making good wines. There are also others who use biodynamics as a handle to promote their wines. But in general, what you see is a return to local and traditional winemaking.

When I'm selecting wines for my private use, which three South Tyrolean labels should not be overlooked?
I’d say these young, up-and-coming contenders: Abraham Winery, Bergmannhof Winery and Pitzner Winery.

And what’s your favourite wine estate in the Vinschgau Valley?
For me it’s Falkenstein Winery. Franz is a super winemaker and Magdalena a worthy successor with lots of fresh ideas. Their wines are really excellent. Not just their flagship wines such as Riesling, Sauvignon and Pinot Blanc, but also their Pinot Noir. A lot has happened there recently. Despite all their interesting developments, this winery has remained rock solid.
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 18 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Für das neue Naturparkhaus Texelgruppe in Naturns wurden einzigartige Ausstellungsobjekte geschaffen.🥳 Die Grundlage für einige davon boten Kinderzeichnungen. Kinder im Alter von 4-6 Jahren beschäftigten sich mit 4 einheimischen Tieren🦊 und malten und zeichneten sie. In der Sonderausstellung zeigen wir die Werke aller Kinder, die sich an diesem Projekt beteiligten. Wer findet die passenden Zeichnungen zu den im Naturparkhaus ausgestellten Tiermodellen?😍

Die Ausstellung geht noch bis zum 30. November 2024!⏱
Naturparks Südtirol / Parchi naturali Alto Adige


Per il nuovo Centro visite del Parco naturale Gruppo di Tessa a Naturno sono stati creati oggetti espositivi unici, di cui alcuni sono basati sui disegni dei bambini.🥳 I bambini tra 4 e 6 anni si sono concentrati su 4 animali🦊 locali e li hanno dipinti e disegnati. Nella mostra speciale sono esposti i lavori di tutti i bambini che hanno partecipato a questo progetto. Chi riesce a trovare i disegni corrispondenti ai modelli di animali esposti nel centro visite?😍

La mostra resterà aperta fino al 30 novembre 2024!⏱

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 19 days ago

About our hike to the Wallburgboden circuit!☀️
Definitely one of our favourite trails❤️

In the second picture you can even see the remains of the original irrigation channels of Naturno, which has now been undermined.😍 How many of you have already visited the Wallburgboden circuit?🥳

#naturns #naturno #hiking #whataview #southtyrol #wanderliebe #aussichtgenießen #wanderwege #genießen #südtirol #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 20 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wie wärs am heutigen Samstag mit Trailrunning am Naturnser Sonnenberg?🤩🔥
Gestartet wird am Rathausplatz in Naturns, wo der erste Kilometer durch das Dorf Naturns und weiter bis zum Einstieg des Trails gelaufen wird.🏃 Sobald man den Einstieg des Trails erreicht hat, läuft man einen teils steilen Anstieg auf dem Weg Nr. 6 in Richtung Grubhof hoch. Weiter geht es auf dem Meraner Höhenweg Nr. 24☀ über eine Hängebrücke bis zum Galmeinhof, weiter bis zum Innerforch Hof, wo kurz danach der Meraner Höhenweg verlassen wird und ein langer Abstieg von ca. 750hm nach Naturns folgt.⬇️

Also worauf wartet ihr? Laufschuhe an und los geht´s!🥰

PS: Es erwartet euch eine traumhafte Aussicht!😉


🇮🇹: Che ne dite di fare trailrunning sul Monte Sole di Naturno questo sabato?🤩🔥
Si parte dalla piazza del municipio di Naturno, dove si fa il primo chilometro attraverso il paese di Naturno fino all'inizio del trail.🏃 Appena raggiunto l'inizio del trail, si percorre una salita in parte ripida sul sentiero n. 6 in direzione Grubhof. Si prosegue lungo l'Alta Via di Merano n. 24☀ attraverso un ponte sospeso fino al maso Galmeinhof, poi fino al maso Innerforch, dove poco dopo si lascia l'Alta Via di Merano e si percorre una lunga discesa di circa 750 metri fino a Naturno.⬇️

Cosa aspettate? Indossate le scarpe da corsa e partite!🥰

PS: Una vista fantastica vi aspetta!😉

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 22 days ago

💙The summer season of the Alpin Arena Schnals finally starts on 𝟮𝟵.𝟬𝟲.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰!💙
Lots of highlights are waiting for you!🥰


and much more...😍

#naturns #naturno #alpinarenaschnals #summeradventure #mountaincars #hiking #climbing #cablecar #klettererlebnis #wandern #Sommererlebnis #cabrio #schnalstal

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 23 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wir stellen vor:
🌲Die Almen am Naturnser Nörderberg🌲
1. Mausloch Alm 1.835m
2. Naturnser Alm 1.922m
3. Tablander Alm 1.751m

Was ist eure Lieblingsalm in Naturns?🥰

❗️Achtung: Die Zetn Alm bleibt im Jahr 2024 voraussichtlich geschlossen.❗️
🇮🇹: Presentazione:
🌲 Le malghe sul monte Tramontana di Naturno🌲
1. Malga Mausloch 1.835 m
2. Malga di Naturno 1.922 m
3. Malga di Tablá 1.751 m

Qual è la vostra malga preferita a Naturno?🥰

❗️Attenzione: La malga Zetn rimane chiusa nel 2024.❗️

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