Törggelen in Naturno
Enjoying autumn to the fullest
Törggelen in Naturno

Törggelen in Naturno

Chestnuts, doughnuts and new wine

Törggelen is a long tradition in Naturno/Naturns. The custom of an autumnal outside seating area for chestnuts and doughnuts has been cultivated in South Tyrol for many generations. In the traditional restaurants, inns and taverns ind and around Naturno, traditional regional dishes are served with the new wine (Nuier). Roasted chestnuts and sweet doughnuts are served along with the fresh wine.

The typical Tyrolean Törggelen evenings take place every autumn in Naturno. Every Wednesday in October there is a traditional Törggelen event held at the village well, and the crowning highlight of the season is the great Törggelefest.
Autumn in Naturno
So varied is the golden season
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