Family holidays in a class of their own:
events that make for unforgettable experiences!
Family holidays in a class of their own:

Family holidays in a class of their own:

events that make for unforgettable experiences!

There is a varied and exciting children’s program for families in Naturno/Naturns during vacation periods. From a visit to the Oberniederhof organic farm in Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau, to the llama trekking tour and the common treasure hunt: the kids’ program in Naturno offers unforgettable days to make kids’ eyes sparkle.
April to November
Visit to the organic-farm "Oberniederhof" in the "Val Senales"-Valley
An interesting visit (explications only in German or Italian) to a special farm for children over 6 years - the way of the milk from the cow barn to the store. Tasting self-made yoghurt and butter and being closed to the farm-animals - a special experience!
Information in the Tourist Office Naturno
April to November
Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park - Quiz for Clever Youngsters
From 10.00 a.m. in the Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park Centre in Naturno, tel. 0473 668201.
No booking necessary and free-of-charge for all.
Lama trekking tours for families and children
Easy family-walking-tour in the surroundings of Tabland, accompanied by the good-natured and absolutely child-friendly llamas with a lot of fun during the final barbecue.
Information and registration within the previous day till 18.00 in the Tourist Office Naturno. Explications only in German or Italian.
Limited number of participants! Other individual lama-trekking-tours possible on request. Contact: certificated guide for nature and landscape Günther Platzgummer - Phone.: +39 346 846 33 33.
April to November
you can get the first indication from 10.00 a.m. in the Tourist Office Naturno (only in German or Italian).
Attendance free, no registration requested.
Climbing for children at the RockArena in Meran/o - July and August
Indoors and outdoors, you find exciting climbing routes, you learns how to climb safely and you will have fun with other children
Children's afternoon at the Minigolfparc in Naturno: Here everyone, young and old, can have a great time. Together or against each other - at the foot of Nörderberg with a wonderful view of the Texel Group Nature Park and Naturno. Afternoons in good company await you.
May - October
Off we go to the Young People's Adventure Train Station in Naturno!
A great attraction for young visitors and older, adult railway fans alike - everything from rails, points, wagons and coaches to steam engines. So, enjoy your trip! Booking not necessary.
Open on Sunday from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Book your holiday in Naturno
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naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 30 days ago

✨The Magic of the Sauna ✨

Saunas are perfect not only for relaxing your body and clearing your mind but also for boosting your immune system and improving circulation. 🌸💧Leave the stress behind, take a deep breath, and enjoy the beneficial effects of the sauna.🔥
Your body and soul will thank you! 🙌

⏱opening hours sauna: 𝕎𝔼𝔻ℕ𝔼𝕊𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝕀 𝔽ℝ𝕀𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝕀 𝕊𝕌ℕ𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝟙𝟞:𝟘𝟘 - 𝟚𝟙:𝟘𝟘

#naturns #naturno #sauna #relax #enjoy #southtyrol #entspannen #genießen #südtirol #spa #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 31 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wisst ihr dass am morgigen Mittwoch der 18. nationale Riesling-Wettbewerb🍷 bei uns in Naturns abgehalten wird?😍 Eine Fachjury verkostet und prämiert den besten Riesling Italiens. Seid gespannt auf das Ergebnis!🤩 Die Prämierung findet am Samstag 10. August nachmittags auf dem Rathausplatz in Naturns statt.🥳
Also: Termin vormerken!✅


🇮🇹: Sapevate che domani, mercoledì, si terrà qui a Naturno il 18° concorso nazionale del Riesling (renano)🍷 Una giuria di esperti assaggerà e premierà i migliori Riesling d'Italia.😍 Attendete con ansia il risultato!🤩 La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà sabato 10 agosto nel pomeriggio nella piazza del municipio di Naturno.🥳
Quindi: segnatevi la data!✅

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago


On Sunday, June 09, the time has finally come again.😍Every year, on the 2nd Sunday after Corpus Christi, mountain fires are lit throughout South Tyrol to celebrate the deep bond with the homeland.✨

Don't miss this unique experience!❤️

#naturns #naturno #tradition #homeland #sacredheartfire #mountains #whataview #southtyrol #herzjesufeuer #tradition #bergfeuer #wasfüreineaussicht #südtirol #südtirolaltoadige #tradizione #fuochi #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedascoprire

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪🔥Herz Jesu Feuer 2024🔥

Jedes Jahr, am 02. Sonntag nach Fronleichnam, werden in ganz Südtirol Bergfeuer entzündet, um die tiefe Verbundenheit mit der Heimat zu zelebrieren.✨ Diesen Sonntag, den 09. Juni 2024 ist es endlich wieder soweit.😍 Lass dir dieses einmalige Erlebnis nicht entgehen.🏔

Wer von euch weiß, auf welcher Bergspitze wir uns befinden?😉


🇮🇹 🔥I fuochi del sacro cuore🔥

Ogni anno in Alto Adige, si celebra una tradizione profondamente radicata, i "fuochi del Sacro Cuore." Questi fuochi rappresentano non solo una manifestazione di fede, ma anche un importante momento di coesione comunitaria.✨

Questa domenica, 9 giugno 2024, è finalmente arrivato il momento.😍Non perdete questa esperienza unica.🏔

Quanti di voi sanno su quale cima ci troviamo?😉

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

🌞Summer Family Trip to Meran 2000!🌞

Looking for an unforgettable adventure for the whole family? How about a trip to Merano 2000?😍 There you can experience an exciting ride on the Alpine Bob! 🚀
With spectacular views and thrilling descents, the Alpine Bob offers fun and excitement for both young and old.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Perfect for those who want to combine action and nature! 🤩

🕒 Opening Hours: 𝟭𝟬.𝟬𝟬-𝟭𝟲.𝟯𝟬 (01.05.-21.06.2024) 𝟭𝟬.𝟬𝟬-𝟭𝟳.𝟭𝟱 (22.06.-29.09.2024)

#naturns #naturno #summer #mountains #family #familytrip #fun #southtyrol #südtirol #alpinbob #familie #familienausflug #jedemengespaß #altoadige #merano2000

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Ab morgen ist auch das Freibad in der Erlebnistherme Naturns geöffnet 🏊‍♂️ Wir sehen uns dort 🤩🌊

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