Evenementen voor elks smaak


Evenementen voor elks smaak

Merano/Meran is een levendige stad en biedt een verscheidenheid aan internationale evenementen. Hier vindt u korte beschrijvingen van de belangrijkste events. Meer informatie staat vermeld in flyers, brochures en drukwerk, die verkrijgbaar zijn bij de VVV Merano (Corso della Libertà/Freiheitsstraße 45).
Women's Day initiatives 2025
zondag 09 mrt
08:00 - 21:00
Women's Day initiatives 2025
Under the coordination of the Merano Municipality's Equal Opportunities Department, this year's programme will once again be packed with events and activities, organised and offered by numerous local ...
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Art & Craft - Women and artistic handicrafts
zondag 09 mrt
10:00 - 13:00
Art & Craft - Women and artistic handicrafts
The exhibition will be staged in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2 of the Kurhaus (entrance on the Passeggiata side) and can be visited from 8 to 11 March 2025 with free admission and opening hours of 10 a.m. - ...
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Spring Concert of the Lana Music Band
zondag 09 mrt
18:00 - 20:00
Spring Concert of the Lana Music Band
The most beautiful symphonic brass music from Lana-South Tyrol: we are a group of around 80 musicians from Lana who enjoy making music together in their free time. Our biggest event during the ...
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Photography exhibition of Caterina Codato
maandag 10 mrt
15:30 - 22:30
Photography exhibition of Caterina Codato "Per mezzo di sguardo immacolato"
Curated by 00A - Centre for Contemporary Photography, in collaboration with Cultural Cooperative Mairania 857, as part of the initiatives organised by the Municipality of Merano on the occasion of ...
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Small Tuesday market in Merano
dinsdag 11 mrt
08:00 - 13:00
Small Tuesday market in Merano
Small market with various market stalls with clothes, shoes, leather goods, foods like bread, sausages and meat products etc.
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Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
dinsdag 11 mrt
20:00 - 22:00
Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. ...
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Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
dinsdag 11 mrt
20:30 - 22:30
Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
In Italian. Production CMC/Nidodiragno, Cardellino srl, Teatro Stabile di Verona in collaboration with Festival Teatrale i Borgio Verezzi. A comedy, free and provocative, that investigates with ...
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Evening with AmUm
woensdag 12 mrt
18:00 - 20:00
Evening with AmUm
Evening meeting with members, associates and sympathisers. Annual members' meeting with presentation of activities in 2024 and financial overview. Election of the new board of directors. Presentation ...
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