Kerken in Merano
Stad van kerken en kerkgenootschappen
Kerken in Merano

Kerken in Merano

Stad van kerken en kerkgenootschappen

Merano/Meran was in de 19de eeuw een geliefde kuurstad voor de Europese adel. De stad telt dan ook vele fraaie kerken en religieuze monumenten die getuigen van de rijke geschiedenis. In tegenstelling tot de rest van Tirol kende Merano in die tijd naast de vele katholieke kerken ook een evangelische en een orthodoxe kerk, alsmede een synagoge. En sinds lang biedt Merano tevens onderdak aan een boeddhistisch centrum en een islamitische gebedshuis.

De kerken en andere sacrale bouwwerken in Merano dateren van de middeleeuwen tot diep in de 20ste eeuw en weerspiegelen de veranderende tijdperken en bouwstijlen. Zo zijn er romaanse kerken met drie apsissen, maar ook gotische parochiekerken. Vaak zijn ze nog steeds in gebruik, en ze kunnen op eigen houtje of in het kader van rondleidingen worden bezocht.
The St. Nikolaus cathedral
Churches, chapels, religious centres
The St. Nikolaus cathedral
This cathedral is dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of merchants, entrepreneurs and carters. It stands in what was once the commercial center of ...
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Chiesetta di San Valentino Church
Churches, chapels, religious centres
Chiesetta di San Valentino Church
This little church is located in Maia Alta (Obermais), below Labers Castle and near the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle. Because of its picturesque location ...
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Church of the Holy Ghost
Churches, chapels, religious centres
Church of the Holy Ghost
In 1271 Meinhard II built the hospital an the adjoining Church of the Holy Spirit outside the walls of the town. The building is a fine longitudinal German ...
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Russian Orthodox Church of San Nicolò Taumaturgo
Churches, chapels, religious centres
Russian Orthodox Church of San Nicolò Taumaturgo
In the 19th and the 20th centuries many Russians chose Merano to escape from the extremes of the Russian winter, and to receive medical treatment in a ...
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Chiesa di San Giorgio Church
Churches, chapels, religious centres
Chiesa di San Giorgio Church
The beautiful portal and the frescoes on the façade are particulary noteworthy. The interior houses interesting frescoes and paintings from the fifteenth and ...
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The Church of Sacred Heart
Churches, chapels, religious centres
The Church of Sacred Heart
This Neo-Gothic Church was originally the chapel of the "Dame Inglesi" It was designed by Ferdinand Mungenast, and built in 1903. The longitudinal plan ends in ...
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The Evangelical Church
Churches, chapels, religious centres
The Evangelical Church
The Evangelical Church and its parsonage, situated by the river Passirio and surrounded by a beautiful English garden, form a charming corner and a living ...
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Chapel of Saint Barbara
Churches, chapels, religious centres
Chapel of Saint Barbara
The chapel of Saint Barbara stands behind the apse of the Cathedral of Saint Nicholas. It was consecrated in 1450 and was the mortuary chapel of the ...
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«12» 11 Einträge auf 2 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-8
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