Mooserwirt Inn

The Mooserwirt Restaurant

Gourmet enjoyment and variety!

Not only does the Mooserwirt cater to traditional home-cooking – we also innovate! That describes our cuisine. We enjoy delighting day-trippers with our South Tyrolean specialties, as much as providing hearty lunches to the working locals. In the evenings, our focus is on gourmet sophistication with sumptuous regional platters. Since aesthetics also matter to us, our delicious dishes are both attractive to the eye, and enjoyed in a magnificent mountain setting! That ought to whet your appetite ...!
het hele jaar
Geopend door
6:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Warme keuken
11:30 AM - 9:00 PM
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Restaurant
  • Bar / Café / Bistro
  • Pizzeria
  • Restaurant for chestnut-eating
  • Cafeteria
  • Ice cream parlor
  • Tavern
  • Guesthouse
  • Seating outside (50 )
Credit card
  • Credit card
  • Bank card/Maestro
  • Vegetarian menu
  • Cuisine without glutine
  • Lactose-free food
  • Hot meals
  • South tyrolean cuisine
  • Home-made food products
  • Grill specialities
  • Fish speciality weeks
  • Asparagus speciality weeks
  • Lamb speciality weeks
  • Game, venison weeks
  • Pasta weeks
  • Children's menus
  • Business/workers' menus
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Dogs allowed
  • beer bar / pub
  • Take away
  • Table reservation online
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