Winteractiviteiten in Zuid-Tirol
Wintersport in het indrukwekkende natuurlandschap van Merano en omgeving
Winteractiviteiten in Zuid-Tirol

Winteractiviteiten in Zuid-Tirol

Wintersport in het indrukwekkende natuurlandschap van Merano en omgeving

De vijf skigebieden van de omgeving rond Merano/Meran bieden niet alleen sportieve uitdagingen voor skiërs. De brede pistes en zonnige funparks zijn tevens perfect om te snowboarden, en op de Höhenloipen-trajecten komen de liefhebbers van langlaufen volop aan hun trekken. De natuur kan in alle rust worden verkend, of het nu gaat om skiën op eenzame toppen, rodelen op de natuurbanen of sneeuwschoenwandelen.

Maar ook buiten de skigebieden kent Zuid-Tirol een groot aanbod aan winterse activiteiten. Romantische arrensleetochten met haflinger paarden voeren door besneeuwde bossen. Andere geliefde wintersporten in Zuid-Tirol zijn ijsklimmen en schaatsen. In de stad en bij de berg zijn een aantal (natuurijs)banen. En in de late middag verruilen de actievelingen hun dikke jacks voor zwemkledij en genieten ze in bijvoorbeeld de Therme Meran van de weldadige warmte.
Panoramic Trail Circular Hike at winter closed
Hiking, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
Panoramic Trail Circular Hike at winter
Easy hike above Tisens/Tesimo with beautiful viewpoints of the Tisner Mittelgebirge mountain range. Attention: the path is not cleared in winter and ...
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From Tesimo to the St. Christoph Church - Circular Hike at winter
Hiking, Path suitable for baby carriages, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
From Tesimo to the St. Christoph Church - Circular Hike at winter
Easy and eventful hike through orchards and forest, largely suitable for prams in winter. The path is mostly cleared in winter. From the parish ...
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Winter excursion to the St. Jakob's Church in Grissian/Grissiano
Hiking, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
Winter excursion to the St. Jakob's Church in Grissian/Grissiano
Hike to the beautiful St. Jakob's Church in Grissiano with his pictures from the beginning of the XIII century. Attention: the path is not cleared in ...
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Winter excursion to the St. Hippolyt's Church in Naraun/Narano
Hiking, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
Winter excursion to the St. Hippolyt's Church in Naraun/Narano
The porphyry hill of St. Hippolyt is situatet in the north of the low mountain range of Tesimo. The 758m high hill stands lonely, away from the noise ...
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Vorbichl Adventure Trail at winter
Hiking, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
Vorbichl Adventure Trail at winter
The "Vorbichl" Adventure Trail is located in Prissiano. This path is ideal for children and adults.  Attention: the path is not cleared in winter and ...
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Winter excursion from Prissiano to Tesimo and back
Hiking, Path suitable for baby carriages, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
Winter excursion from Prissiano to Tesimo and back
Easy and interesting walk with many views from Tisens/Tesimo and Prissian/Prissiano. Suitable for push chairs, section illuminated at night. From the ...
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Castle Circular Trail at winter
Hiking, Winter hikes, Winter hikes
Castle Circular Trail at winter
Easy and eventful hike with wonderful views of Prissian/Prissiano and its castles. Not suitable for pushchairs at winter. Attention: the path is not ...
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Circular hike via Tschengg and Larchweg at winter
Hiking, Path suitable for baby carriages, Winter hikes, Winter hikes, Snowshoe hikes
Circular hike via Tschengg and Larchweg at winter
Easy but eventful hike with beatuiful views above Tesimo/Tisens. Attention: the path is not cleared in winter and can be icy in places. Always wear ...
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