Nalles/Nals and its surrounding area feature a wide range of accommodation in every category. In addition to hotels and guesthouses, residences and apartments in Nalles are increasingly popular.
Mostly located in a beautiful location in the midst of apple orchards or vineyards, accommodation at a residence in Nalles and its surroundings is a comfortable and affordable alternative to staying at a hotel. Guests are especially appreciative of the family atmosphere provided by many options.
Families often prefer spending their holidays in an apartment furnished with a kitchen, because this allows a family with children to be completely autonomous. The apartments in Nalles near Merano offer a good price-performance ratio without sacrificing comfort. New architecture and modern design, and an elegant bathroom, garden or balcony are standard features. A typical apartment in Nalles usually also comes equipped with a fully functional kitchenette. A coffee machine, dishes and a dishwasher make cooking that much easier. Many holiday apartments in Nalles also have the option to order breakfast.