Water and its power
Here you will learn how hydropower is utilized in the Passeiertal Valley
Water and its power

Water and its power

Here you will learn how hydropower is utilized in the Passeiertal Valley

In the Passeiertal Valley, you experience the harmonious connection between nature and the powerful energy of water. With over 30 hydroelectric power plants, we are pioneers in the production of renewable energy. Here, the energy of nature flows directly into our communities, providing them with sustainable power.

Dive into the fascinating world of hydropower in the Passeiertal Valley. Our museum on hydropower offers an exciting insight into topics such as hydropower, understanding electricity, technology, and the history of electricity. Learn how we have been harnessing hydropower for generations to power our communities and protect the environment.

Would you like to experience hydropower up close? Then join us for one of our fascinating guided tours of a hydroelectric power plant. Experience the impressive technology and the majestic power of flowing water.