Waalwege Trails in Naturno
Along the ancient irrigation channels
Waalwege Trails in Naturno
Waalwege Trails in Naturno
Waalwege Trails in Naturno

Waalwege Trails in Naturno

Along the ancient irrigation channels

Due to the low and irregular rainfall in Vinschgau / Val Venosta  and the Merano / Meran area, farmers here created kilometre-long irrigation channels as early as the 13th century. A dense network of irrigation channels developed around Naturns / Naturno, one of the areas of the Alps with the lowest rainfall. The German name Waal probably comes from the Latin "aqualis" = watercourse. The water is derived from streams in higher valleys. The steady flow of water in the Waal is in some places still controlled by a waal clamp. If the water wheel, which hits a hammer on a clamp, does not turn anymore, the Waal is interrupted somewhere by a mudflow or rockfall. In spring the water is led into the Waal and is available to farmers until the end of September/beginning of October, depending on the weather. For the maintenance and care of a Waal, a mostly narrow footbridge was built, the so-called "Waalweg". Originally, the path along the water was only used by the "Waaler", who is responsible for the maintenance of the Waal and supervises the precisely divided "Roaden". These "Roaden" are water hours that give the farmers the right to draw a certain amount of water from the Waal for a fixed period of time. To this day, a Waaler is responsible for the proper functioning and fair distribution of the precious water. Today, these beautiful old paths have become popular hiking trails without too much incline. On these flat, noiseless and dust-free paths, you can follow the rushing water's ripple and splashing and you will always gain new impressions.

Waal paths around Naturns / Naturno

Around Naturns / Naturno you will find some of the most beautiful Waalwege in South Tyrol. For example the Stabener Waalweg and the Tscharser Waalweg, which make a worthwhile circuit possible, which can also be combined with a detour up to Reinhold Messner's Mountain Museum Castel Juval, the interior of which can be visited in spring and autumn with guided tours. Also impressive is the more than 8 km long Latschander Waalweg, which leads from Latsch / Laces to Galsaun / Colsano and from there can be continued on the Tscharser Waalweg to Castel Juval. In the immediate surroundings are also the Partschinser, Rablander, Algunder and the Marlinger Waalweg, which are among the most beautiful walking paths in South Tyrol. On the way, you can enjoy magnificent views of the Meran / Merano basin with its wide orchards and vineyards. The other Waalwege in Vinschgau / Val Venosta are also easily accessible by public transport. Because of the mild climate, the Waalwege are mostly accessible all year round. Each of these paths has its own peculiarity and along the individual Waalwege you can experience this cultural asset in all its facets. On the paths you will encounter Waalerhütten and Waalerschellen, but also castles, palaces and churches, which offer insights into the culture of the region. Traditional inns invite you to stop for a bite to eat.

Merano Waal Circuit

The Merano Waal Circuit circles the entire Meran / Merano basin on a distance of about 80 km. The trail connects eleven Waalwege, including the Wallburgweg in Naturns. Beautiful hikingpaths or theme paths lead the hiker from one to the next. The route is signposted "Meraner Waalrunde" and can be hiked in several daily stages. But it is also possible to experience only a part of the route as a day tour.

All Waalweg trails in the Vinschgau Valley & in the surroundings of Naturno
The Marlenger Waalweg irrigation path beginning from Töll
Hiking, Winter hikes
The Marlenger Waalweg irrigation path beginning from Töll
The Marlinger Waalweg is one of the most beautiful irrigation channels in the Meran region. With a length of 12 km, it is the longest irrigation ...
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Circular Hike on the Maiser Waalweg trail
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails
Circular Hike on the "Maiser Waalweg" trail
This easy hike along the Maiser Waal (or irrigation channel) winds pleasantly through mixed forest and orchards and is highly recommended on hot ...
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Irrigation channel path Merano - 5th stage: Lana - Töll
Hiking, all hiking routes
Irrigation channel path Merano - 5th stage: Lana - Töll

This path between the water irrigation channels, so called Waalwege, embraces the valley basin of Merano and allows hikers to experience the area.

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Round trip along the ancient Waalweg (irrigation channel) of Rabland
Hiking, Waalwege Trails, Winter hikes
Round trip along the ancient "Waalweg" (irrigation channel) of Rabland
In Meran and surroundings you can promenade along the ancient water canals, the so-called "Waalwege". The Waalweg in Rabland/Rablà is a tranquil ...
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Round trip along the ancient Waalweg (irrigation channel) of Partschins/Parcines
Hiking, Waalwege Trails, Winter hikes
Round trip along the ancient "Waalweg" (irrigation channel) of Partschins/Parcines

Splendid views over the surrounding countryside and the perfect place for an easy stroll to the accompaniment of the tinkling music of pure, clear, fresh water.

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Hike along the Schenner Waalweg Trail
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails, Winter hikes
Hike along the Schenner Waalweg Trail
This picturesque hike along the Schenner Waal irrigation channel runs along an unspoilt trail through the chestnut grove and orchards high above the ...
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Kuenser Waalweg Trail
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails, Themed Trails
Kuenser Waalweg Trail
Waalwege are paths along the ancient irrigation channels. From the Ungericht Hof farm (Neolithic engraved stone), follow the road for approx. 10 ...
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 16 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Für das neue Naturparkhaus Texelgruppe in Naturns wurden einzigartige Ausstellungsobjekte geschaffen.🥳 Die Grundlage für einige davon boten Kinderzeichnungen. Kinder im Alter von 4-6 Jahren beschäftigten sich mit 4 einheimischen Tieren🦊 und malten und zeichneten sie. In der Sonderausstellung zeigen wir die Werke aller Kinder, die sich an diesem Projekt beteiligten. Wer findet die passenden Zeichnungen zu den im Naturparkhaus ausgestellten Tiermodellen?😍

Die Ausstellung geht noch bis zum 30. November 2024!⏱
Naturparks Südtirol / Parchi naturali Alto Adige


Per il nuovo Centro visite del Parco naturale Gruppo di Tessa a Naturno sono stati creati oggetti espositivi unici, di cui alcuni sono basati sui disegni dei bambini.🥳 I bambini tra 4 e 6 anni si sono concentrati su 4 animali🦊 locali e li hanno dipinti e disegnati. Nella mostra speciale sono esposti i lavori di tutti i bambini che hanno partecipato a questo progetto. Chi riesce a trovare i disegni corrispondenti ai modelli di animali esposti nel centro visite?😍

La mostra resterà aperta fino al 30 novembre 2024!⏱

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 17 days ago

About our hike to the Wallburgboden circuit!☀️
Definitely one of our favourite trails❤️

In the second picture you can even see the remains of the original irrigation channels of Naturno, which has now been undermined.😍 How many of you have already visited the Wallburgboden circuit?🥳

#naturns #naturno #hiking #whataview #southtyrol #wanderliebe #aussichtgenießen #wanderwege #genießen #südtirol #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 18 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wie wärs am heutigen Samstag mit Trailrunning am Naturnser Sonnenberg?🤩🔥
Gestartet wird am Rathausplatz in Naturns, wo der erste Kilometer durch das Dorf Naturns und weiter bis zum Einstieg des Trails gelaufen wird.🏃 Sobald man den Einstieg des Trails erreicht hat, läuft man einen teils steilen Anstieg auf dem Weg Nr. 6 in Richtung Grubhof hoch. Weiter geht es auf dem Meraner Höhenweg Nr. 24☀ über eine Hängebrücke bis zum Galmeinhof, weiter bis zum Innerforch Hof, wo kurz danach der Meraner Höhenweg verlassen wird und ein langer Abstieg von ca. 750hm nach Naturns folgt.⬇️

Also worauf wartet ihr? Laufschuhe an und los geht´s!🥰

PS: Es erwartet euch eine traumhafte Aussicht!😉


🇮🇹: Che ne dite di fare trailrunning sul Monte Sole di Naturno questo sabato?🤩🔥
Si parte dalla piazza del municipio di Naturno, dove si fa il primo chilometro attraverso il paese di Naturno fino all'inizio del trail.🏃 Appena raggiunto l'inizio del trail, si percorre una salita in parte ripida sul sentiero n. 6 in direzione Grubhof. Si prosegue lungo l'Alta Via di Merano n. 24☀ attraverso un ponte sospeso fino al maso Galmeinhof, poi fino al maso Innerforch, dove poco dopo si lascia l'Alta Via di Merano e si percorre una lunga discesa di circa 750 metri fino a Naturno.⬇️

Cosa aspettate? Indossate le scarpe da corsa e partite!🥰

PS: Una vista fantastica vi aspetta!😉

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 20 days ago

💙The summer season of the Alpin Arena Schnals finally starts on 𝟮𝟵.𝟬𝟲.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰!💙
Lots of highlights are waiting for you!🥰


and much more...😍

#naturns #naturno #alpinarenaschnals #summeradventure #mountaincars #hiking #climbing #cablecar #klettererlebnis #wandern #Sommererlebnis #cabrio #schnalstal

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 21 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wir stellen vor:
🌲Die Almen am Naturnser Nörderberg🌲
1. Mausloch Alm 1.835m
2. Naturnser Alm 1.922m
3. Tablander Alm 1.751m

Was ist eure Lieblingsalm in Naturns?🥰

❗️Achtung: Die Zetn Alm bleibt im Jahr 2024 voraussichtlich geschlossen.❗️
🇮🇹: Presentazione:
🌲 Le malghe sul monte Tramontana di Naturno🌲
1. Malga Mausloch 1.835 m
2. Malga di Naturno 1.922 m
3. Malga di Tablá 1.751 m

Qual è la vostra malga preferita a Naturno?🥰

❗️Attenzione: La malga Zetn rimane chiusa nel 2024.❗️

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