Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail
The high Alpine multi-day hike in South Tyrol for real mountain lovers
Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail
News The Unterstell cable car  will be out of service from 08.01.2025 to 28.02.2025.

Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail

The high Alpine multi-day hike in South Tyrol for real mountain lovers

The Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway near Naturns is still considered an insider tip among multi-day hikers, but is a beautiful alternative to the well-known Meraner Höhenweg.
The Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway connects existing paths and newly laid out trails over a length of 108 kilometres, leading from Reinhold Messner's Mountain Museum at Juval Castle near Naturns to the source of the River Adige in Reschen.

Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway shows how rich in contrast the vegetation in South Tyrol can be in the smallest of spaces: While you hike on the Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway over the dry Sonnenberg (=sunny mountain), you will constantly have the fertile valley and the densely forested Nörderberg (=northern mountain) with its imposing mountain peaks such as the Ortler massif in front of you.

But the Val Venosta Sunny Mountain is unique in the Alpine region: Due to its exposed position and only about 500mm of precipitation per year, a unique natural and cultural landscape has been formed. In order to survive on the steppe-like, barren soils, the inhabitants had to find ways and methods early on to be able to cultivate their land nevertheless.
Thus, centuries ago, they began to create an extensive and dense network of water channels that diverted the water from streams and springs at high altitudes - the famous  irrigation channels were born, which today are also part of the Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway. Thus the trail is not only a worthwhile destination for experienced mountain hikers, but also for all those who want to get an impression of the cultural history and life of the mountain farmers.

The best period for a hike along the Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway is from April to October, although due to the exposed location it can get very hot, especially in high summer! Moreover, due to the limited accommodation possibilities on the farms, it is advisable to book your sleeping place in advance. 

At a glance

Length  108 km
Starting point  either Stava nearby Naturns or Reschen
Total walking time
 5 - 6 days
 4.600 m
 5.600 m

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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 5 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Eine Wanderung zum Orenknott (2.258 m) ist auch im Winter möglich.❄️Diese traumhaften Bilder vom Sonnenaufgang, hat unsere Arbeitskollegin bei ihrer letzten Wanderung zum Orenknott gemacht.🌤
Einfach wunderschön oder?😍

⏰Dauer: ca. 2 Stunden

📸: Tourismusgenossenschaft Naturns


🇮🇹: Un'escursione al Orenknott (2.258 m) è possibile anche in inverno.❄️Queste splendide foto dell'alba sono state scattate dalla nostra collega durante la sua ultima escursione al Orenknott.🌤
Davvero magnifiche, vero?😍

⏰Durata: circa 2 ore

📸: Ufficio turistico Naturno

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 8 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Ihr plant euren Urlaub nach Naturns oder Plaus mit dem Flugzeug✈️ und sucht dafür einen bequemen Flughafentransfer der euch von Bozen nach Naturns oder Plaus bringt?☺️ Dann haben wir genau das richtige für euch!
Unser Flughafentransfer🚖 bietet eine komfortable Möglichkeit, vom Bozner Flughafen direkt zu eurer Unterkunft nach Naturns oder Plaus zu gelangen. Somit steht eurem Urlaub nichts mehr im Wege!🧡

Jetzt ganz einfach online auf unserer Homepage buchen:

📸: SkyAlps/Zulupictures & Kottersteger


🇮🇹:State pianificando le vostre vacanze a Naturno o Plaus in aereo ✈️ e cercate un comodo transfer dall'aeroporto di Bolzano a Naturno o Plaus? ☺️ Allora abbiamo proprio ciò che fa per voi!
Il nostro servizio di transfer🚖 dall'aeroporto offre un modo comodo per raggiungere direttamente la vostra sistemazione a Naturno o Plaus dall'aeroporto di Bolzano. Così, nulla potrà ostacolare le vostre vacanze! 🧡

Prenotate ora comodamente online sul nostro sito:

📸: SkyAlps/Zulupictures & Kottersteger

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 11 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wer von euch, freut sich auch schon auf den Frühling in Naturns?🌸

Wir haben wieder einige Highlights für euch:
30.03.2025 - Bergfrühling am Naturnser Sonnenberg☀️
05.04.2025 - Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun - Wir feiern 5 Jahre!🎊
12.04.2025 - Frühlingsfest in Naturns🌷


🇮🇹: Chi di voi non vede l'ora che arrivi la primavera a Naturno?🌸

Anche quest'anno abbiamo una varietá di eventi primaverili:
30.03.2025 - Primavera in montagna al monte sole di Naturno☀️
05.04.2025 - Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun - Festeggiamo 5 anni!🎊
12.04.2025 - Festa di primavera a Naturno🌷

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 16 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wo ist der Schnee geblieben?❄️
Wer von euch weiß, auf welche Stadt wir schauen?🤔

📸: Kurverwaltung Meran/Tommy Hetzel


🇮🇹: Dov'é rimasta la neve?❄️
Chi di voi sa quale cittá stiamo ammirando?🤔

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