Summer in Merano
Merano in its element
Summer in Merano
The blessings of spring are followed by the Merano summer with all its many possibilities. The sunny, mild weather of this season can be extensively enjoyed in the picturesque city center. Merano's atmospheric resting places along the water provide ample refreshment on hot days, including such spots as the Passer Rivers terraces on the banks of the river or the sprawling thermal park with its Mediterranean vegetation and ten pools. On balmy summer evenings, the magnificent Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle and the center of Merano turn into stages for a variety of outdoor events. The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle not only offer breathtaking displays of flowers during the summer months, but are also home to one the most important open-air music festivals in Italy, the "Garden Nights". During summer, music lovers can experience all sorts of concerts and music events in the Merano city center. Every year, the "Midsummer Night" series of events brings illustrious names of Italian pop music to Merano. Jazz, on the other hand, is obliged by the "South Tyrol Jazz Festival" and "Merano Jazz". Merano's central squares are transformed into a colorful bonanza during the annual street performance festival, "Asfaltart". Clowns, acrobats, fire-eaters and dancers from all over the world showcase heir skills and delight viewers of all ages. The "Tuesday Evening in Merano" event series, which includes concerts, performances, fashion shows and different weekly themes, also presents an extremely diverse array of activities. Again, plenty of live music and a comprehensive program for children are offered.
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