She is at her happiest surrounded by her plants. As an educated horticultural engineer and
passionate permaculture gardener, eating well and healthily is not just a lifestyle but a life
choice. She empowers both her customers and herself with quality seeds and planting
materials, setting the stage for growing nutritious and delicious vegetables. Her farm in
Gratsch is a vibrant tapestry of biodiversity, showcasing over fifty varieties of tomatoes,
numerous types of eggplants, an array of fifty salad and vegetable varieties, assorted chilies,
and even flowers. Her childhood fascination with the vivid hues of Dianthus barbatus still
influences her today, and she lovingly cultivates anemones from root cuttings, her all-time
Her commitment goes beyond mere farming to fostering resilience against climate change.
She specializes in heirloom varieties, which are genetically diverse and thus more adaptable
and resilient.