Guided Tours of Parcines
Exploring the mountains and peaks in the Texelgruppe Nature Park
Guided Tours of Parcines
Guided Tours of Parcines
Guided Tours of Parcines
Guided Tours of Parcines

Guided Tours of Parcines

Exploring the mountains and peaks in the Texelgruppe Nature Park

The guided tours of Parcines/Partschins, Rablà/Rabland and Tel/Töll are an ideal way of discovering the stunningly beautiful mountains of the region. From June to October, experienced hiking guides Erich Unterthurner and Michael Tschöll conduct group treks to the most spectacular South Tyrolean summits. Three times per week, there are guided tours to the Spronser Seen mountain lakes on a plateau in the heart of the Texelgruppe Nature Park.

The program of the conducted walking tours can be obtained in the tourist offices of Parcines and Rablà.

Sensual Ecstasy: the magical weekly excursions at night held in May to the Parcines waterfall should not be missed.
Climatic therapy hike to the Partschins Waterfall climatic health Resort
Wednesday 02 Oct
Partschins / Parcines
09:00 - 12:00
+ more dates
Climatic therapy hike to the Partschins Waterfall climatic health Resort
Climatic therapy is the application of natural weather and climatic factors for therapeutic purposes. The targeted use of (cool) air, wind and sunshine trains the immune system, increases performance ...
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Mountain guide David Spath
Mountain guide David Spath
David Spath is a tested and certified mountain guide and having completed a two-year training programme works as a guide throughout South Tyrol. He happily and ...
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Hiking guide Erich Unterthurner
Hiking guide Erich Unterthurner
My hiking programm (only in German and Italian): Guided tour to the Sprones Seen Lakes (7 hours, difficult path) every Thursday from June - Oktober. Phone: +39 ...
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