Winter on Mount Vigiljoch
Winter landscapes on Mount Vigiljoch
Winter on Mount Vigiljoch
Winter on Mount Vigiljoch

Winter on Mount Vigiljoch

Winter landscapes on Mount Vigiljoch

Enveloped in its snowy winter mantle, the Lana region offers numerous outdoor adventures, both down in the valley as well as up in the mountain. Even in winter, Lana’s satellite villages and Waalwege irrigation canal trails are often bathed in sunlight. At higher altitudes, there are various outdoor winter sports activities to enjoy such as skiing, tobogganing, snowshoe hiking and ice skating.

With its special atmosphere, the imposing Mount Vigiljoch is the epitome of winter. Away from the crowded ski resorts, the mountain above Lana is a touch more exclusive. Here, you can still embark on solitary hikes, and indulge in leisurely skiing away from the madding crowds – followed by après-ski, of course. However, those keen to join the action in Meran and Environs have no less than four upmarket ski areas to choose from: with ski slopes and trails suited to various skill levels, as well as sledding, ski touring, and special activities for families and children. The hospitable mountain huts offer welcome respite from the frosty outdoors.
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